Deep Calls To Deep - instrumental only versionInstrumental Soaking Music for Christian Meditation and Prayer |
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Easy-listening, instrumental soaking music featuring piano and acoustic guitar for christian meditation and prayer.
This is the instrumental-only version of the album by the same name, for people who prefer pure instrumentals as easy listening background music. More Info
... the rich instrumental orchestrations make this a one hour soaking treasure …
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Instrumental Only Version

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Album Information
This album is the instrumental-only version of the album Deep calls to Deep – soaking music for contemplative prayer and worship. Some people prefer pure instrumentals as easy listening background music or for meditating on the Lord. This version of the album has been provided for that purpose. The vocal content from this album has been removed to provide instrumental-only christian meditation music. Since the initial album was designed primarily as an instrumental album in the first instance, this purely instrumental version works very well as an aid to contemplative prayer, or for easy-listening background music for whatever purpose the listener has in mind.
Song Notes
Click the links below to read notes about the songs:
Deep Calls To Deep »
Selah 1 »
I Call You Friend »
Selah 2 »
Be Still »
Rest »
Selah 3 »
Do you love the anointing that rests on the music of The Secret Place? Have you ever thought about introducing an unsaved friend to this wonderful feeling of peace that comes to you when listening to the music, but you are not sure how comfortable they would feel listening to the lyrics? This instrumental-only album is a perfect solution!
The anointing behind the lyrics is still there wrapped up in the chords of the music, because they all came at the same time! Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to them and begin to draw them to Himself just by listening to the instrumental music in the car, or at home or work, without any questions being asked as to the appropriateness of the music for the environment.
The vision of The Secret Place is “turning hearts back to the Father through intimate praise and worship music.” How wonderful to turn a heart that has never known.
This restful music will bring peace to your home, relax you for a good nights sleep, or even provide an anointed alternative to the easy-listening music currently being played in your work environment. Serving a multitude of purposes, this music will help create an atmosphere conducive to the working of the Holy Spirit in any environment.