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"It touches deep within the innerman... this is unbelievable."
- Eddie Gardner, AL, USA Tweet
Contemporary christian praise and worship. Our first album recorded in 1984! A classic!!
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Album Information
The Shaker Interview
Ray Watson of Asaph by Jason Kemp
Asaph was named after one of King David’s chief musicians who was responsible for recording the temple music of that day. Like the original Asaph, Ray and friends seek musical excellence. Asaph seeks to “merge the concept of worship with a more contemporary and personal style of musical expression”.
Ray Watson, musical director of Asaph, spoke with Jason Kemp for the Shaker.
Jason: The impression I have of the album is that it is a praise and worship album but that the music is contemporary for a change. The music is a real part of the project rather than a minor prop. Is that a fair assessment?
Ray: Certainly the instrumentation is important. The Bible says to praise Him with instruments. That’s what we’re doing on this album, not just vocals. There are only two songs on the whole album, “Fullness of Joy” and “For Thou Art Great” that many people would accept as true praise and worship songs. The ‘scripture in song’ type of approach. The other songs I still consider to be very much praise and worship but they are a lot more personal in nature.
To me, a lot of praise and worship material doesn’t really seem personal enough. Some of it takes lyrics from the Bible – great lyrics of course, because God inspired them, but the overall feeling is not personal enough for me. Like I’ve written a song called “Love In Your Heart” – now you’re not going to get a congregation singing that in church, but to me that is praise and worship of a more personal nature. A lot of songs have been written about the Christian life. Few songs have been written to God. What I’ve tried to do is to address most of my songs directly to God.
Jason: Can you tell us a little more about your songs?
Ray: My House/Coming to Reign run into each other on the album. Both songs were not originally intended to be on the album. I only composed them in the last two months. I’ve really waited on the Lord as to which songs should go on the album. One weekend when my wife and I were praying about the project, I just started playing and also came up with the phrase “These aren’t skilful hands though they long to be”. It’s as though the Lord took over and said, “That’s ok I’m building my House, you give me what you’ve got.” And that’s how the song, “My House” was birthed. At that particular time my wife and I were counting the cost because we had deposited a particular sum of money to buy a house and we were weighing up whether we would make the album. We both felt God say specifically to us that His House came first, and we really feel that what we’re doing now in writing these songs for His Glory and to extend His kingdom is part of what God’s doing. We came across Haggai when we were praying.
The scripture says, “Will you dwell indeed in panelled rooms while the House of God lies in hopeless ruins”. That song is therefore basically Scripture from the book of Haggai expressing God’s cry to His people to consider their wealth, their luxury, their ease in these last days. Can they not see the urgency of the hour and make the sacrifice to lay aside some of these things and to serve Him with a whole heart?
Jason: If as an album buyer were to listen to one song on the album to make a decision as to whether I should buy the album – which song would that be? I guess what I’m really trying to say is which song do you feel is the most important on the album to you?
Ray: To me “My House”, because God spoke to me through that song. I also believe that musicians can speak prophetically and that God used me as a vessel to get that message down. I think God is speaking to the Church through that song.
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Customer Reviews
Name: Betty
E-mail: liz65@shaw.ca
Date posted: September 13, 2012 - 12:34 pm
Message: This music makes me hold my breath!! What delight, sitting at Jesus feet in worship, as this glorious sound from heaven washes over and around me and fills my whole house. Thank you.
Name: Kendra
E-mail: kelsey@physics.ubc.ca
Date posted: September 12, 2012 - 04:03 am
Message: Praise God Almighty~! Misty understands Worship~the Deep Hunger witihn to commune Alone with Our Father~!Would be to God that His People called by His Name would humble themselves, pray, seek His Face Alone~would He then hear from Heaven and Heal our Land~?Even so come quickly Lord Jesus~Marranatha~!!!
Name: Butterfly
E-mail: ari.puro-aho@stoy.fi
Date posted: May 23, 2011 - 04:49 am
Message: I bow down hmulby in the presence of such greatness.
Name: Mike
E-mail: mikesheat@xtra.co.nz
Date posted: July 15, 2010 - 01:57 am
Message: One of the earliest Albums I had as a New Believer some 35 years ago....So beautiful..... It has ministered to my soul for many many years now and still does.. Mike
Name: Gwen Sann
E-mail: inthewind9@verizon.net
Date posted: May 16, 2010 - 07:23 pm
Message: refreshing....the beauty of simplicity and Grace..
Name: Virginia Stokes
E-mail: virginia888@embarqmail.com
Date posted: May 08, 2010 - 06:46 pm
Message: I have enjoyed your music so much. I was up one night doing my watch for the Lord, which is 12midnight to 3:am when Father allowed me to come to this site. Not by chance but by His leading and I thank the Lord for it. I pray the Father will supply all of your needs this season like never before as you sit in His presence and worship Him.
Evangelist Virginia Stokes: Jacksonville, North carolina/United States
Name: Eddie Gardner
E-mail: EddieTexan@aol.com
Date posted: February 16, 2010 - 03:25 am
Message: Your Music Is such a Blessing To I just vast in the present of God as you sing and play. It touches deep with in the inner man. How people can't get a BLESSING from this is unbelievable. So receive this priestly blessing. Num 6:24-27 "The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; 26 The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquillity of heart and life continually). 27 And they shall put My name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them." AMP
From: Texas but Live in Alabama
Name: Raewyn Dittmer
E-mail: Private
Date posted: February 16, 2010 - 03:24 am
Message: Just so awesome, I give God the glory for your CD. Blessings Raewyn Dittmer
From: Putaruru New Zealand
Name: Evg Eddie Gardner
E-mail: EddieTexan@aol.com
Date posted: October 16, 2009 - 07:16 pm
Message: I have enjoyed your music I've shared it with some people that need some help and they have been helped because of your music and the anointing that is in it. We need more people that will take the time to let the prophetic flow like a river. This is what destroys the yokes that has them bound. God bless you for letting Father use you this way. Num 6:24-26 24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. KJV
Adamsville, Alabama USA