Everything about God is a demonstration of His character and His extravagant goodness. This awe-inspiring universe with galaxies and stars, the wonder of the ocean, the minute detail of creation, the wonder and extravagant exchange Jesus did through the cross, the very breath you breathed reading this sentence; all of this points to the extravagant goodness of God. He is so good, and our lives on earth can resonate and capture a glimpse of this goodness.
God showers us with His goodness, kindness, blessing and favour, not based on our performance, but on Jesus’ performance. His finished work on the cross made us heirs and partakers with Jesus into this new life. Our lives now display the character and goodness of our Heavenly Father. It is this outrageous goodness and grace that becomes the wellspring we praise Him from.
“My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words.” (Psalm 45:1 The Message).
This Psalm eloquently describes a heart fully alive, experiencing the goodness of God. When we experience His goodness, we can’t help but pour our hearts out in worship and praise. God wants us to experience His blessing and goodness on a practical level. To say “God is good” without the backing of experience leaves our words empty, but God desires for us to practically experience His goodness in all of life’s details.
Yes there is worship in the midst of pain and suffering; a cry of worship that comes from our souls that shifts atmospheres and declares the faithfulness of God when circumstances state the opposite. But, there is also a joy, and well of worship that is supposed to resonate out of each of us because we have experienced the goodness of God; right here in our day to day lives.
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13 NASB)
There are many despaired people on the earth who are waiting to see the goodness of God. Let’s start showcasing who God is! Begin to show off His goodness. The earth is waiting to see it!
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