“The desire for social approval is a taskmaster. The desire to please men is back of all social acts. Some may seem to have escaped from the snare, but they have in reality merely harrowed the circle of those they desire to please.
David said, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none on earth that I desire (to please) beside thee.” How can we uproot our life-drive from pleasing men to pleasing God? It must be a supernatural act. Only God matters.” 1
“How shamefully do we exploit the converted celebrity. Before them we bow with obsequious smiles and honour them in our public meetings and in the religious press. Thus we glorify men to enhance the standing of the Church of God, and the glory of the Prince of Life is made to hang upon the transient fame of a man who shall die.” 1
“The church of Jesus Christ was never intended to become a religious theatre. When we build a sanctuary and dedicate it to the worship of God, are we then obligated to provide a place in the church for entertainment to display their amateur talents?” 2
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