Embark on a Journey...

There is a new, spontaneous, prophetic sound coming to the earth today...

Discover the New Sound...
It is different...
It is spontaneous...
It is creative...
It is original worship music
Spontaneously born out of times in His presence...

"I believe there is a new wind blowing. I know in my heart there is a new sound that is coming to the earth... How it will be different I can not tell you specifically, but I can tell you in general. It will include the spontaneous. God is the master of creativity. His music in these last days will demonstrate His wonderful creative power. It will be spontaneously born by His spirit... It will contain the presence of the living God. It will literally be a staircase to the heavenlies..."

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Spontaneous Christian Worship Music

Discover The New Sound

The Vision - A Song of Worship

I believe that we as the body of Christ are in a new day. I believe there is a new wind blowing. I know in my heart there is a new sound that is coming to the earth. I have felt for several years that God’s music should be life changing, not just different. It has never made sense to me that if God were who we say He is, full of power, able to do miracles, filled with light; that the music we play to represent Him should not contain his presence. Not in a small way…I mean miraculous power.

The Bible says, “Sing a song such as never been heard in the heathen world.” What is happening here is there are some of the most powerful musicians on the planet that are sold out to Jehovah-who play skillfully, but who play for one reason…to invite the presence of God to touch every life. I believe that God’s music is coming to earth. How it will be different I can not tell you specifically, but I can tell you in general. It will include the spontaneous. God is the master of creativity. His music in these last days will demonstrate His wonderful creative power. It will be spontaneously born by His spirit.

Technology as we know it whether used for sounds of missiles was not intended by God to be weapons of war and destruction, but rather instruments of light. And this music will be filled with God’s light. God intends that His sounds should always make the world look up. I believe these technologies are at our disposal to help make the sounds of heaven come to earth.

In the heart of every man, every woman, is an awareness of heavenly sounds. As I write to you, the building blocks of these sounds are already on earth. I believe they’re here now. Not only will this music incorporate technology, but most importantly, it will contain the presence of the living God. It will literally be a staircase to the heavenlies. When you and I as believers worship Him, we enter into His presence. Literally we escape from the influences of all powers of darkness and our physical circumstance. We are filled with His glory and light. And we are changed.

- Phil Driscoll - Creative Worship Music
Taken from the liner notes of the “Selah” CD

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Deep Calls to Deep

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Deep Calls to Deep


"I just wanted to say that I love your music... especially when you get "weird," or I'd say "free in the spirit!" Thanks!"

– J.B, Milwaukee, WI, USA

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