Deep Calls To DeepSoaking Music for Contemplative Prayer and Worship |
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Gentle soaking music. One hour of anointed, restful, healing music. A wonderful aid to nurture our desire for more of Him. More Info
... the rich instrumental orchestrations combined with The Secret Place trademark touch of anointed spontaneous song make this a one hour soaking treasure …
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3 Album Special!
Album Information
Do you find it difficult to pray? Does your mind have a tendency to wander when you do? Would you like to sense more of His presence when you pray?
Deep Calls to Deep aptly meets this need. It helps to create spiritual hunger. Capturing the heart’s longing for a more intimate encounter with the Spirit of the living God, this one hour session of anointed, restful, healing music is a wonderful aid to nurture our desire for more of Him. Alternating between brief moments of prayerful expressions of the heart and longer instrumental interludes, this album is an excellent aid for contemplative prayer. The music is not overly intrusive and can be considered as background music for whatever purpose the listener has in mind.
Song Notes
Click the links below to read notes about the songs:
Deep Calls To Deep »
Selah 1 »
I Call You Friend »
Selah 2 »
Be Still »
Rest »
Selah 3 »
Deep Calls to Deep was written as an aid for contemplative prayer and worship. It is primarily an instrumental soaking album, with elements of prophetic song woven throughout the contemplative journey. These memorable moments in song capture concepts of God’s goodness and love, and provide the listener with a focus for prayer.
The entire album was initially conceived and recorded spontaneously over a period of several days. Rich orchestration has been added to the original recording.
The Secret Place trademark touch of spontaneous song makes Deep Calls to Deep a treasure for those who hear His call.
Historical Background to the making of the albumAlthough most of my recent album releases can be broadly categorised as “soaking music” there seemed to be a need for something a little more instrumental in nature and targeted more specifically for contemplative prayer or personal times of soaking. Although the singtrax version of Seek My Face (instrumental only) is perfectly suited for this purpose, I still had it on my heart to create an album that was specifically targeted for a soaking audience, and was tailor-made for contemplative prayer and meditation. |
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I felt there was a need for a mainly instrumental album but one that also had some element of song woven throughout the instrumental texture to help provide some moments for meditation or contemplative prayer.
It is a wonderful aid to help create spiritual hunger. As a spiritual tonic, I often find myself at any moment recalling a certain melodic phrase, such as, “I call you friend” which has a wonderful therapeutic effect on a soul prone to depression.
Special thanks
The success of this album is due in no small measure to the considerable contribution made by Rob Packer and Peter Robertson.
Rob Packer
Special thanks to my friend Rob for his excellent keyboard work. His ability to flow spontaneously in the creative process and his sensitivity to our partner the Holy Spirit, has made this project possible.
Peter Robertson
The ministry of The Secret Place would not be what it is today without Pete’s friendship and support over many years. I am deeply grateful for all his guitar work on The Secret Place albums.
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Customer Reviews
Name: Ed Weil
Date posted: April 17, 2013 - 11:19 pm
Message: This album can and does bring water to a dry thirsty soul as well as one who lives in expectation of the GLORY and SPLENDOR of HIS riches to our souls.