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"There are many special moments on this excellent album, which weds a focus on praise and worship with a creatively arranged and instrumented sound... quality contemporary music." - Chris Benge, The Shaker. More Info
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Album Information
Dire Straits has demonstrated the potential for stillness and emptiness in rock music. In Tunnel of Love or Brothers in Arms that stillness is desolate, even post-apocalyptic. Throne of Love has something of the same quality to it. But the stillness has been transmuted to rest and peace – it is not desolate but consummatory, the result of being in God’s presence and gazing at him....
Share with Friends"I really feel I'm entering into the throne room while listening to this album." Tweet |
There are many special moments on this excellent album, which, like the previous release, weds a focus on praise and worship with a creatively arranged and instrumented sound. Ray Watson and his group of musicians and top-flight singers present quality contemporary music which incorporates elements of rock, jazz and classical, presided over by Watson’s soft Garfunkel-like vocals. The result is a thoroughly satisfying, totally professional unique contribution to Christian music in this country. - Chris Benge - The Shaker ( New Zealand ) |
Song Notes
Click the links below to read notes about the songs:
Just For Me »
It Belongs To Him »
Your Grace Is Enough »
Why »
Come Dance »
Memories »
No Man Lays It To Heart »
Only Son »
You Are The One »
Album Reviews
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Customer Reviews
Name: Justin
E-mail: Private
Date posted: August 25, 2010 - 09:18 am
Message: God our Father is so "In" this album! Its straight! righteous peaceful and joyful! Its full of Jesus, & the LOVE of GOD!cant say enough. So timely too. So eighties but eternal because its in Christ. Plus the vocalists are so humble. Awsome! Its tuly heavenly and not like the sounds of the earth. May it only ever remain in the secret place for all those who seek to find it, or are honoured to be called into it.
Name: Irene McGough
Date posted: February 16, 2010 - 03:24 am
Message: I really feel I'm entering into the throne room while listening to this album. God bless you Ray.
From: Scotland Uk
Name: Angela Ambrose
Date posted: February 16, 2010 - 03:24 am
Message: For anyone who thinks they've entered worship before, may be sadly mistaken. These songs bring (the) Life in to your presence, wherever and whatever you might be doing at the time. You can't help be in His presence right from the start. They truly usher you in to His presence. And the love that pours forth, oh my; I never knew nor experienced such amazing, and wonderful love. Thank you Father for bringing such wonderful and uplifting words set to music to us!!! Be blessed everyone!!!
From: USA - Vienna, VA
Name: Angela Ambrose
Date posted: September 21, 2009 - 11:46 pm
Message: Your songs are the most incredible songs of praise and worship I've ever experienced. I listened Jabez and then started on the Throne of Love album. Jabez song, I played time and time again. It was my prayer to he Lord and not just for me but for his children. Then I listened to No May Lays it to Heart. How awesome and incredible. I fell to my knees, weeping and praying. It spoke so loudly and it was so real. No man lays it to heart! He calls and calls and yet some don't hear-- oh so tragic. I've already started getting the word out about the music, and have purchased the four pack special. My heart has been hungry for music like this. Oh, how you've blessed me and hopefully others. Thank you. Blessings!
From: USA—Virginia
Name: Irene McGough
Date posted: Friday, 10/12/07, 2:15 AM
Message: I really feel I'm entering into the throne room while listening to this album. God bless you Ray.
Name: Angela Ambrose
Date posted: Thursday, 3/8/07, 4:47 AM
Message: These songs bring (the) Life in to your presence, wherever and whatever you might be doing at the time. You can't help be in His presence right from the start. They truly usher you in to His presence. And the love that pours forth, oh my; I never knew nor experienced such amazing, and wonderful love. Thank you Father for bringing such wonderful and uplifting words set to music to us!!! Be blessed everyone!!!
Name: Angela Ambrose
Date posted: Friday, 2/16/07, 8:57 PM
Message: Your songs are the most incredible songs of praise and worship I've ever experienced. I listened Jabez and then started on the Throne of Love album. Jabez song, I played time and time again. It was my prayer to he Lord and not just for me but for his children. Then I listened to No Man Lays it to Heart. How awesome and incredible. I fell to my knees, weeping and praying. It spoke so loudly and it was so real. No man lays it to heart! He calls and calls and yet some don't hear-- oh so tragic. I've already started getting the word out about the music, and have purchased the four pack special. My heart has been hungry for music like this. Oh, how you've blessed me and hopefully others. Thank you. Blessings!