1 Kings 19:11 Elijah in the cave. God was not in the fire, or the earthquake, or the wind. Where was God? In the still small voice. It requires spiritual sensitivity and song leaders who walk before the Lord as barefooted priests to know whether God is in the thing or not. Where is God in our song services today? In the fire songs, the earthquake songs, or the wind songs? As song leaders does it occur to us to ask ourselves, “Is God in this song or not? Can I feel His tangible presence in this song, and if not, why are we singing it?” In all our musical activity does it occur to us to ask the simple question, “Where is God in all this?”
In 2004 the Lord spoke to me through a dream that gave me a real key in song leading. I dreamed I was in the presence of a group of ministers – some of them well known and with international ministries. I felt honoured to be among them, and somewhat surprised to have them ask my opinion on some aspects of praise and worship. One of them asked me, “What is the secret to your anointing in praise and worship?” I responded, ”I don’t just use songs, I let songs be used.” In the silence that followed I realised I had discovered a real key in worship.
As a consequence of this revelation I no longer make up a rigid list of songs to be used before a service. I wait on the Holy Spirit moment by moment throughout the service and let Him “use” songs at His discretion. I have since discovered in implementing this principle that the Holy Spirit is still the Divine Director of the church and would quite like to be given back the reigns of the song services we seem to have taken over. I prepare my heart, and have a few songs in mind, but I am flexible in using them. The songs are already well rehearsed and ready to be played at any time in a spirit of excellence. But I do not come to the service with a preconceived idea of how things are going to go. I usually have one or two songs that have “grabbed” me during the week, and if nothing else occurs to me on the moment of delivery we do those. But He is the conductor. And the songs we know are totally at His disposal at the moment of the meeting. We walk sensitively before Him and await His instruction. It’s scary, and it requires a high level of musicianship to perform in this way, but I believe it’s a real key to flowing in the anointing in a song service. Sometimes God shows up, and sometimes He doesn’t. I’m still trying to figure the whole thing out – maybe I never will. But one thing’s for sure – I’ll never go back to the old way of doing things with my song list. For me - and I’m not saying everybody should have to operate this way – the song list is a hindrance to my sensitivity to God in a meeting. But without a list of songs to depend on I am totally dependent on Him for the success and direction of the meeting. My total dependence on the Holy Spirit at every turn of the meeting releases my faith in a way that pleases God and releases the anointing. The meeting becomes His in a very unique and sometimes radical way! You find yourself doing things and singing songs in a way and at times that will catch you totally by surprise. No song service is ever the same. The uniqueness and creativity of the Holy Spirit is boundless. Try relying on the Holy Spirit in this way.
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Jesus music - Jesus name in the songs of the Secret Place
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