Secret Place Ministries Info & VisionTurning Hearts Back To The Father Through Intimate Praise And Worship |
In 1997 the Lord spoke to me and said, “I want to use you to turn the hearts of my people back to myself.” I said, “Why Lord?” He said, “Because their hearts are everywhere.” Secret Place MinistriesSecret Place Ministries (the international music ministry of Ray Watson) was founded as a ministry first and foremost to the heart of God. The ministry of The Secret Place is one of turning hearts back to the Father through intimate praise and worship. It is a place of intimacy with the Father. It is a place where deep cries out to deep, and where the heart yearns for His touch. The Music"There is a new sound coming into the earth - it is the sound of heaven." I believe God gave us music to help ignite our hearts in worship. Nothing quite stirs the soul and emotions of man in the way that music does. Music is the universal language of the human heart. There is not a single person who is not moved by it. The longing, the loss, the love, the heights, the depths - the whole range of human emotion is captured and communicated through this powerful medium. At times you will find yourself hooked on a phrase that stays with you throughout the entire day, constantly reminding you of His presence and calling you to abide there. God longs to fellowship with His people and to have them know Him intimately. Turn us LordOur hearts need to be captured for Him. It is my heart-felt prayer that the Lord will use these songs to help people find new passion in their worship, "for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." This is one of the most important verses in the Bible, because it tells us what God is looking for. True worship is the most important activity of the human heart, since this is God's desire. We need a fresh touch from heaven, not just in our churches but in our private devotions. The Secret Place was established for this purpose. "Turning hearts back to the Father through intimate praise and worship". There is a cry today in the hearts of God's people for a fresh touch from heaven. We are so busy living our daily lives we so easily forget that the world was made BY Him and FOR Him. So many "worship" songs are about our needs and our relationship with God, but few find that place of intimacy with Him where the heart of God and man are truly satisfied. It is my prayer that The Secret Place will help meet that need. "We need songs that are God-breathed, songs that are birthed in another world and can bring that world to us; songs that are so touched by His presence that they capture every heart for Him. There in the secret place, we will be captivated by His love and consumed with His purpose for our lives. There, in the intimacy of worship, we will lay down our brief lives in pursuit of the greatest privilege ever offered to man - to be lovers of God." (Taken from the article Finding The Secret Place.) "Turn us, Lord, and we shall be turned." What we believe about Jesus Christ Donate to The Secret PlaceHelp the ministry of The Secret Place turn hearts back to the FatherSupport the ministry of The Secret Place through making a donation or becoming a partner. Click here for more info. |

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