Christian Music Listen OnlineListen To Free Christian Music OnlineIn the various music players on this page you can listen to a great selection of our free christian music online. The Secret Place has its own special niche in the realm of worship music, capturing a sound that is creatively fresh and unique. Here you will discover not just Christian entertainment, but intimate expressions of passionate worship... straight from the heart and sure to capture yours! CLICK HERE to download our FREE songs |
Listen to one of our free christian radio stations on the playlists below.If you do not have Spotify, click here to open a free account. If you already have an account with Spotify: Other listening options below. |
Listen to our free Christian music at The Secret Place. These songs were not designed as entertainment but as expressions of a heart full of worship.
Some of these songs are intimate worship songs. Others are more upbeat as we celebrate God’s goodness towards us. Some worship songs have been recorded live with orchestration added later. All of them, regardless of their tempo and instrumentation call us to a greater awareness of Who He is.
We encourage you to spend time listening to the Christian radio playlists on this page. Here, our prayer is that you would fall more in love with Him and be captivated in your pursuit for His Presence. He longs to meet with us, right where we are. God desires to fill every aspect of our lives, not just our Sunday praise and worship services. Spend some time listening today.
Listen to spirit soaking radio - Our best songs for spending time just soaking in His presence.
Listen to gospel music radio online - More easy listening christian music for you to enjoy.
Download all the written music from our first Secret Place album Seek My Face for free! We have made all the piano sheet music, guitar chords, tabs and lyrics for all the songs off this popular album available to you FREE OF CHARGE. Some of these songs make excellent choruses for Sunday morning worship, and for this purpose permission is given to make copies of this music for distribution to your local church musicians.
Guitar music Choose simple chord charts or professional 6 line guitar tablature.
Download professional piano sheet music. Contains the melody line, chords and lyrics.
Download the song lyrics in htm format
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