Embark on a Journey...

The Practice Of The Presence Of God

The Lost Art Of Practicing His Presence

Experience the inward journey and discover the lost art of practicing His presence.

"The inward journey is an excursion deeper and deeper into our souls toward the very center, where God dwells. One of the great "mysteries" of the Christian faith is the truth that the infinite Creator God can abide within the spirits of His greatest creation, His people."

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"We cannot fully realize true intimacy with God until we learn how to come before Him in quietness of spirit, mind, and body. An atmosphere of stillness is absolutely essential for us if we wish to experience deep, loving communion with our Lord. David the psalmist wrote, "My soul waits in silence for God only". The prophet Habakkuk proclaimed, "But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him". When Elijah listened for the counsel of God, he heard the Lord not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but in "a still small voice". In the 46th Psalm the Lord calls on us to "Be still, and know that I am God". "

"I invite you and challenge you to go on a journey with me to that secret inner place, a life wasted on Jesus. It is an invitation to join the society of the broken-hearted, a people of gratitude, meekness, and faith who have felt the warm gaze of the Lord into their inmost being and have heard His affirmation, "I knew you were like that all the time". Out of that brokenness will come forth a fragrance that will fill the house, the fragrance of abandoned, "wasted worship" and a life completely poured out for God."

The road to true intimacy with God is an inward journey, proceeding into His Presence through the entrance gate of quietness of the soul. It is a narrow track that lies well off the beaten path, virtually unseen and ignored by the vast majority of humanity careening headlong through life. Although it is not easy to find, the riches and rewards are well worth the effort."

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Other Articles on Practicing His Presence

Become a Person of One Thing
Finding The Secret Place
The Pleasure of Encountering God
Thy Face Lord will I Seek
From Visitation to Habitation
Bob's Heart - Fire Within
Ministry to the Lord
The Heart of a Psalmist
Carriers of His Presence

Presence of God

Go on a musical journey and spend some time soaking in the presence of the Lord today.
Being in His Presence

Other Resources

Learn how to get into the presence of God.
Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.

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Waiting on God


"Powerful! I praise God there are people out their seeking the very presence of God. The songs that come through you from the Lord have really touched my life."

– Holly Sharp, MS, USA

"I am just lost in God."

– Steve Were, Kenya

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